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Current investigations

Current investigations

We publish a list of our current investigations. The list is updated early in each month.

Download list of investigations as at 30 September 2024 - .pdf format

Download list of investigations as at 30 September 2024 - .csv format

The list sets out the stage the case is at: including whether it's newly received; under investigation; or whether a decision has been drafted and is waiting for approval. You will find an explanation of each case status below. 

You can search the above documents using the search tool in your internet browser or PDF reader - for example you may want to check the details of a specific case, look for investigations relating to a particular topic/keyword, or see all cases involving a particular public authority.

We are a small team, but we deal with cases as quickly as we can. Investigations can vary in subject matter and complexity - some may therefore be handled more quickly than others.

We keep applicants and authorities up-to-date during each investigation. Once a case is closed (either settled or with a decision notice issued), it will no longer appear on the list.

The Commissioner publishes decisions around a week after issue in our decisions database.

Case Status: What does this mean?

"New Case" received means new application received. Case opened, but validation checks not started.


"Validation checks being carried out" means the application is being checked to determine if we can investigate.


"Case validated: waiting to hear from the authority." Validity checks carried out - we can investigate. Waiting for the authority to give us comments and any withheld information. 


"Case validated: initial assessment before allocation to investigator".  Comments and withheld information received from authority.  Head of Enforcement assessing case to determine complexity and sensitivity.


"Case validated: initial assessment done - to be allocated to investigator." Case assessed and allocated to a team leader for allocation to an investigator. 


"Allocated to investigator."   Case allocated to investigator, but work on investigation not started.


"Investigation ongoing." Investigation ongoing.  Includes time spent drafting the decision.


"Decision submitted for first level approval." The investigator has submitted the draft decision to their team leader for first level approval. 


"Decision submitted for second level approval."  The team leader has submitted the draft decision to the Commissioner or Head of Enforcement for final approval.